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Monday, September 24, 2012

Making Honey for the New Year

I came to the hospital with a chip on my shoulder today. Sad, scared and anxious.

I secured the loneliest bed in the corner of the most distant room because I didn't want to make small talk and I wanted my space. We turned off the lights and enjoyed the silence.

Moments after settling down in my peaceful corner, a very loud crowd joined me in "my" private room. A bald and strained woman took a bed, subsequently, her family went about turning on all the lights, speaking loudly on their cellphones and taking every spare chair on the ward. I asked gently for them to please make less noise. The lady reacted very angrily to me. She started yelling that that she doesn't feel well and that I'm an "elite Ashkenazi with protektzia" and she's going to write a formal letter of complaint about me....

Verging on tears, I got up from my bed, came over to the lady and smiled at her and said, "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. You're my sister and I'm yours. I hope you get well soon" and I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She squealed, "Aiy! Your hands are so cold! Just like mine!" I told her that we both are having chemo and we're both feeling the same things." she immediately started blessing me and wishing me well! I felt so relieved that the energy in the room immediately changed to peaceful! I'll have to remember that.


  1. Beautiful. Sorry you had to detonate a painful situation; yashar kochech on finding the energy to do so in a way that created ahavat yisrael. Thinking of you and sending cyber-hugs and buckets of peaceful healing.

  2. Beautiful. You are wonderful.
